The 6th annual U.S. Media Literacy Education Week starts October 26, 2020 and there has never been a better time to learn how to analyze media. MLE week aims to “highlight the power of media literacy education and its essential role in education all across the country.”
Join us online to take part in an educator training on October 26th at 6PM and/or participate in a live structured discussion to see what Thinkalong looks like in action!
Media Literacy is one part of digital citizenship, which involves basically your whole existence online. The internet is tricky, but this super cute game – Digital Compass – helps you sort it out. Choose a character and decide how the story progresses – will you be a supportive friend or a secret investigator? Will you share that embarrassing text with just one person or take it to the grave? Play and find out!
A cool note: Digital Compass is from Games for Change, a rad organization that uses gaming for good. They have a student game design challenge open RIGHT NOW around news literacy. Submissions are due in April 2021 and they have a gajillion resources to help you make it happen. Go forth and make games.
THINKALONG wants you to question …
The decision in the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission to deregulate campaign donations made by corporations and labor unions allowed these organizations to spend unlimited amounts on issue advertising and contributions to political causes. Advocates of unregulated campaign spending argue that spending money on campaigns is protected under the Constitution as the right to exercise free speech. Opponents state that politicians are inevitably indebted to these large organizations when they accept donations, potentially leading to corruption and unethical behaviors within the government. Is unlimited spending by large political donors constitutional or does it impede fair and ethical politics?
Find out more at, and see what you — and your friends —think about this issue, and others.