Graduation is a rite of passage leading to the onset of greater responsibilities and a transition out of compulsory schooling. Connecticut Public participates in the national American Graduate program, and has some great resources to help the recent graduate in your life figure out their path.
Many students are readying themselves for college – virtual or otherwise – and many others are saddled with student loan debt. College is undoubtedly good for folks, but it’s pricey! Making college free is an oft-repeated political platform, but is free college as good as it sounds?
Let’s pay attention to the other huge event unfolding all around us – large-scale anti-racist protesting. Protests have played an important role in our society in relation to civil rights and social change. In the midst of large-scale Black Lives Matter protests after continued police violence against Black individuals, critics and supporters alike might wonder what good marching does. You decide — are protests necessary for social change?