March 23, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT
FIELD-LEARNING ACTIVITY | Who’s Been Here? Trail Cameras for Data & Detecting
Saturday March 23, 2024
Forest behind New Storrs Cemetery, UConn Storrs, CT
Join mammologist Dr. Erin Kuprewicz from the Connecticut State Museum of Natural History (CSMNH) to learn how to track mammals using passive methods like camera trapping and reading tracks and scat sign in the field. The community is invited to learn about local mammals and how camera traps are used to observe the secret lives of elusive creatures at an active research site at UConn Storrs!
Dr. Kuprewicz is the Curator/Collections Manager and Engagement Specialist for the CSMNH and leads a long-term mammal census project in Storrs as part of the nationwide project Snapshot USA. Hike is recommended for participants aged 8 and up; those 16 and under must be accompanied by a chaperone. This hike may be challenging for some and will include hilly areas and forays off trail to view camera trap sites. Sturdy footwear and long pants are recommended. The rain date for this event is Saturday 6 April 2024 from 10am-12pm.
*** Space for this event is limited and registration is required! ***
Cost: $10 for Museum Members, $15 for non-Members
Visit for more information.
If you require an accommodation to participate in this event, please contact the CSMNH at 860-486- 4460 or by Monday March 18, 2024.
The Connecticut State Museum of Natural History is part of the Institute of the Environment at the University of Connecticut