July 18 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm EDT
In August 2016 the National Parks Service celebrated its 100-year anniversary. It had been a varied, and some would say controversial 100 years. From parks having to be guarded by the army, to the extirpation of apex predators like wolves and cougars, to roads cutting through 80 miles of pristine wilderness and road cuttings seven foot wide through trees over 3,000 years old, to where today the 420 parks are loved by 300 million visitors – some would say loved to death and face a crowded and uncertain future.
Join Dr Benfield, who worked in the parks for many years and who taught Parks at our universities, as he takes us thru 100 + years of park history, showcases our best and most beautiful parks … and if you are going to a park in the next few years, learn the perils, planning and places you MUST see on this quintessential US travel pilgrimage.