Washing your hands was once controversial public health advice, some say it’s comparable to the ruckus caused by mask-wearing today.
Hand washing was originally proposed by Ignaz Semmelweis to stop the spread of “cadaverous particles” from autopsy medical training to maternity wards in the 1840’s, and Florence Nightingale lead the fight for hospital hygiene just a few years later. But it wasn’t until the 1980’s that hand washing was acknowledged as an important way to prevent the spread of infection.
If you need more inspiration for good hygiene practice – washing hands, wearing masks, and covering coughs and sneezes – this gross science video should do it. Just one instance of projectile vomiting can contaminate 84 square feet! GROSS!
Educators and parents – PBS compiled a selection of resources for K12 learners that covers topics like how to social distance, what an epidemiologist does, bonding with friends during a pandemic, and spotting COVID19 misinformation.
THINKALONG wants you to question …
Earlier this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend the adoption of face coverings in public to limit and prevent the transmission of COVID-19. Many states across the U.S. require their residents to wear a face mask in public areas, while others only recommend or encourage the practice. Simultaneously, there is a debate across the nation that face masks restrict individuals’ freedom of choice, causing some to refuse to wear masks. As cases continue to surge in many states, should face masks be federally mandated?